Fellow founder friend! Welcome to Day 3 of your $10M FounderIV Indoc… Today, I'm gonna show you how I achieved a biological age of 27 at age 41 without spending $2M/year. No matter what age you are right now, there are simple, effective, and overlooked ways to wind back your "body clock" so you can increase your healthspan & lifespan without spending an arm or a leg. Entrepreneurship does not have to take a toll on your health. You get no reward for sacrificing your well-being while building a great career. At FounderIV we're passionate about building top 1% businesses AND top 1% lives, and we believe that when done properly each side fuels the other and creates an unstoppable founder flywheel. It used to be OK to be in terrible health with a big wallet. No longer. Elon, Bezos, Zuckerberg and I agree—being a "Founder Athlete" is a non-negotiable today. Along the way, I've done my best to lead a lifestyle focused first & foremost on health while co-founding 3 different eight-figure businesses. But let's be honest. "Biological age" doesn't matter as much as how you feel. For me, energy level is the top priority. And today I have as much energy as I did at 20. It's all about creating the right daily habits. These are mine: 1. Focus On Getting Stress Under Control My anti-stress protocol: - No toxic people
- Make sleep priority #1
- No phone 1 hour before or after bed
- Workout daily & intensely to get rid of frustrations
- Go on 'death walks' every AM
Let me explain the last one... Just this year I began kicking off my mornings by walking my dog Jameson around the neighborhood & contemplating death. That I soon will not be on this earth. It makes me realize how insignificant I am, a speck in this whole universe. The effect? Gratitude, clarity & calm. My best bud Jameson and I back in Northern Michigan where I grew up. 2. Sleep On A Proper Schedule Your sleep routine and when you go to bed matter as much as how long you slept. This is something most people (including old me) get wrong. Maintaining a proper circadian rhythm (internal body clock) is the key to a restful sleep and wake-time. I rarely consume caffeine after 9 am and don't workout after 6 pm to maintain my circadian rhythm. Learn more about my exact sleep routine HERE. 3. Lift Heavy Weights, Increase Mobility, Less Cardio Research shows regular physical exercise can counterbalance the effects of aging. I like to work out for ~1 hour most days & I optimize for strength, stamina & mobility. Muscles not only help you look good, but they prevent many aging-related physical ailments. Muscle loss contributes to: - Frailty
- Fatigue
- Disability
- Loss of function
Being muscular is an armor that gives you the ultimate advantage over the competition. The more energy you have, the more you can produce. How to build muscle? - 5-10 mins of mobility
- Lift weights 4x weekly
- Say "no" to excess cardio
- Focus on compound lifts (pull-ups, squats, deadlifts)
- Strengthen your posterior chain (legs, back, and butt)
Currently, I'm following @fillymarcus's Functional Bodybuilding program. I also add-in: - 1-2 days of cardio, mainly Zone 2 for 3-5 miles.
- 1 day of active recovery, sports, a hike, or other fun activities.
Check out my full muscle-building plan that helped me gain 25 lbs of muscle in 2 years naturally HERE. 4. Eat According To Your Body Type There are 3 primary body types. I'm more of an ectomorph/mesomorph so it's hard for me to keep muscle on if I do not eat a decent amount due to my high metabolism. Everyone's genetics are different—eat accordingly. Want to see my exact diet regimen? Check it out HERE. 5. Take Supplements For Your Specific Needs I use supplements for these primary areas: - Cognition (creatine, ketones)
- Gut Health (probiotics, berberine)
- Cardiac Health (red yeast rice, psyllium husk)
- Prostate Health (lycopene, selenium)
- Proper Hormone Protocol (boron, dhea)
- Mitochondrial Function (CoQ10, NAD)
- Anti-Inflammation (curcumin, omega 3)
- General health & immunity (vitamin B12, vitamin D, vitamin C)
But be sure to test your blood & track your biomarkers first. No longer should you just take supplements blindly. Personalized nutrition is the name of the game. Supplements are named appropriately—they're not supposed to replace nutrition from food but rather supplement your diet based on what deficiencies you currently show. Smart supplement is the new name of the game. Learn about my exact supplement protocol HERE. 6. Don't Die—Take Tests to Establish Your Baseline NOW When Steve Jobs was on his deathbed, I'm pretty sure he would have given all of his money away to live another year. And I bet just about all of us entrepreneurs would do the same. But if this is the case… why do we not track our health, biomarkers & vitals with the same intensity & frequency that we track our business metrics? Perhaps in the past this was because it was too hard. Or the technology wasn't developed enough to make testing affordable, reliable, and useful. But times have changed. If 25 years ago Steve Jobs had taken the tests I mentioned below (when he was ~45), there is a good chance he'd still be around. Today, we cannot prevent death. But we can prevent certain forms of death. Or at the very least, significantly delay our demise, and give ourselves the best chance to become centenarians and beyond. And you can't improve what you don't measure. This is why I track my biomarkers quarterly, and believe every entrepreneur serious about performance should be doing the same.  Learn about the tests I recommend every entrepreneur take today to prevent premature death, know your baseline, and understand exactly what you can do to improve your health, energy and healthspan. Check it out HERE. So there it is! My longevity routine in a nutshell (the condensed version). |
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